WIPsoft 5.54 problem with MMS client

Had the same error and had read this post and added a subject but still got the same error.
Found in wip_mms.h - line 206

  • @note Options WIP_COPT_MMS_FROM and WIP_COPT_MMS_SUBJECT are mandatory.
  •     \n\n The option WIP_COPT_MMS_MESSAGE_CLASS only supports
  •     WIP_MMS_MESSAGE_PERSONAL for many operators.
  •     \n\n The option WIP_COPT_MMS_PRIORITY doesn’t support WIP_MMS_PRIORITY_HIGH.

The From number is manditory.
Added AT+WIPOPT=8,1,2,91,“0432112345” and WIP now sends the MMS

Hope this helps