UART raw access Sample

Hi there,

I need help to solve a problem regarding the UART raw access.

I have a SiWi GL6100 with only one uart, specifically the UART1.

With this uart I program the module and the I switch the module to FCM mode to read data from UART1.

Now I want to use the UART in raw mode and this is what i do:
[] Enable FCM mode to enable to read ESC character from serial. If I detect this character switch to AT mode to update the firmware through UART1.
] After 10 second switch UART1 to AT Mode and then disable UART1 with this command:

sprintf(atCommand, "AT+WMFM=0,0,1,0");
adl_atCmdCreate( atCommand, UART_1, ( adl_atRspHandler_t )EvhConfUartx, NULL);

But when the firmware execute the command I give back an error:


The same thing appears if I execute the command through terminal monitor, but this behaviour is explained in tha AT command manual:

. This make sense.

Where I make an error?

Thanks in advance!