/** * @file mqttClientService.c * * Implementation of MQTT Client Interface * *
* * Copyright (C) Sierra Wireless Inc. * */ #include "legato.h" #include "interfaces.h" #include "MQTTClient.h" #include "Socket.h" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * This define specifies the max # of MQTT sessions to be created in memory pools & reference maps * like the reference map for message arrived handlers */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define MQTT_SESSION_MAX 16 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Path to the SSL certificates file */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static const char *SslCaCertsPathPtr = "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * MQTT Session structure */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //IG mqtt_SessionRef_t MQTTSession; le_result_t res; char DeviceIMEI[LE_INFO_IMEI_MAX_BYTES]; static void OnConnectionLost ( void* context ) { LE_ERROR("Connection lost!"); } static void OnMessageArrived ( const char* topic, const uint8_t* payload, size_t payloadLen, void* context ) { LE_ERROR("The publisher received a message!"); } typedef struct mqtt_Session { MQTTClient client; MQTTClient_connectOptions connectOptions; MQTTClient_SSLOptions sslOptions; mqtt_MessageArrivedHandlerFunc_t messageArrivedHandler; mqtt_MessageArrivedHandlerRef_t messageArrivedHandlerRef; void* messageArrivedHandlerContextPtr; mqtt_ConnectionLostHandlerFunc_t connectionLostHandler; mqtt_ConnectionLostHandlerRef_t connectionLostHandlerRef; void* connectionLostHandlerContextPtr; // The legato client session that owns this MQTT session le_msg_SessionRef_t clientSession; mqtt_SessionRef_t sessionRef; } mqtt_Session; static int QosEnumToValue(mqtt_Qos_t qos); static void ConnectionLostHandler(void* contextPtr, char* causePtr); static void ConnectionLostEventHandler(void* reportPtr); static int MessageArrivedHandler( void* contextPtr, char* topicNamePtr, int topicLen, MQTTClient_message* messagePtr); static void MessageReceivedEventHandler(void* reportPtr); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Safe ref map for mqtt_Session objects returned to clients. */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static le_ref_MapRef_t SessionRefMap; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Safe ref map for MQTT message handlers. */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static le_ref_MapRef_t MessageHandlerRefMap = NULL; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Event id that is used to signal that a message has been received from the MQTT broker. Events * must be used because paho spawns a thread for receiving messages and that means that the * callback can't call IPC methods because it is from a non-legato thread. */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static le_event_Id_t ReceiveThreadEventId; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Event id for connection lost events from paho. The justification for this event is the same as * for ReceiveThreadEventId. */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static le_event_Id_t ConnectionLostThreadEventId; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * MQTT session memory pool. */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static le_mem_PoolRef_t MQTTSessionPoolRef = NULL; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Username memory pool. */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static le_mem_PoolRef_t UsernamePoolRef = NULL; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Password memory pool. */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static le_mem_PoolRef_t PasswordPoolRef = NULL; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Message memory pool. */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static le_mem_PoolRef_t MessagePoolRef = NULL; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Topic memory pool. */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static le_mem_PoolRef_t TopicPoolRef = NULL; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Payload memory pool. */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static le_mem_PoolRef_t PayloadPoolRef = NULL; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Represents a message which has been received from the MQTT broker. */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct mqtt_Message { // Safe reference to mqtt_Session mqtt_SessionRef_t sessionRef; char* topicPtr; size_t topicLength; uint8_t* payloadPtr; size_t payloadLength; } mqtt_Message; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates an MQTT session object. * * @return * LE_OK on success or LE_FAULT on failure */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- le_result_t mqtt_CreateSession ( const char* brokerURIPtr, ///< [IN] The URI of the MQTT broker to connect to. Should be in /// the form protocol://host:port. eg. tcp:// or /// ssl://example.com:8883 const char* clientIdPtr, ///< [IN] Any unique string. If a client connects to an MQTT /// broker using the same clientId as an existing session, then /// the existing session will be terminated. mqtt_SessionRef_t* sessionRefPtr ///< [OUT] The created session if the return result is LE_OK ) { mqtt_Session* s = le_mem_ForceAlloc(MQTTSessionPoolRef); LE_ASSERT(s); memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s)); const MQTTClient_connectOptions initConnOpts = MQTTClient_connectOptions_initializer; memcpy(&(s->connectOptions), &initConnOpts, sizeof(initConnOpts)); const MQTTClient_SSLOptions initSslOpts = MQTTClient_SSLOptions_initializer; memcpy(&(s->sslOptions), &initSslOpts, sizeof(initSslOpts)); s->sslOptions.trustStore = SslCaCertsPathPtr; const int createResult = MQTTClient_create( &(s->client), brokerURIPtr, clientIdPtr, MQTTCLIENT_PERSISTENCE_NONE, NULL); if (createResult != MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS) { LE_ERROR("Couldn't create MQTT session. Paho error code: %d", createResult); le_mem_Release(s); return LE_FAULT; } le_msg_SessionRef_t clientSession = mqtt_GetClientSessionRef(); s->clientSession = clientSession; s->sessionRef = *sessionRefPtr = le_ref_CreateRef(SessionRefMap, s); LE_ASSERT(MQTTClient_setCallbacks( s->client, *sessionRefPtr, &ConnectionLostHandler, &MessageArrivedHandler, NULL) == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS); return LE_OK; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Destroy the given session. * * @note * All MQTT sessions associated with the client session will be destroyed automatically when * the client disconnects from the MQTT service. */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void mqtt_DestroySession ( mqtt_SessionRef_t sessionRef ///< [IN] Session to destroy ) { mqtt_Session* s = le_ref_Lookup(SessionRefMap, sessionRef); if (s == NULL) { LE_KILL_CLIENT("Session doesn't exist"); return; } if (s->clientSession != mqtt_GetClientSessionRef()) { LE_KILL_CLIENT("Session doesn't belong to this client"); return; } le_mem_Release(s); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Destroy the MQTT session: internal cleanup. */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void DestroySessionInternal ( mqtt_Session* sessionPtr ) { MQTTClient_destroy(&(sessionPtr->client)); // It is necessary to cast to char* from const char* in order to free the memory // associated with the username and password. le_mem_Release((char*)sessionPtr->connectOptions.username); le_mem_Release((char*)sessionPtr->connectOptions.password); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * This is the internal session destructor for mqtt_Session allocated from MQTTSessionPoolRef that * will run to clean it up upon an le_mem_Release() of it. */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void mqttSessionDestructor ( void* objPtr ) { mqtt_Session* s = (mqtt_Session *)objPtr; if (!s) { LE_KILL_CLIENT("Session doesn't exist"); return; } if (s->messageArrivedHandlerRef) { le_ref_DeleteRef(MessageHandlerRefMap, s->messageArrivedHandlerRef); s->messageArrivedHandlerRef = NULL; } if (s->connectionLostHandlerRef) { le_ref_DeleteRef(MessageHandlerRefMap, s->connectionLostHandlerRef); s->connectionLostHandlerRef = NULL; } DestroySessionInternal(s); le_ref_DeleteRef(SessionRefMap, s->sessionRef); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Set the connections options which will be used during subsequent calls to mqtt_Connect(). */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void mqtt_SetConnectOptions ( mqtt_SessionRef_t sessionRef, ///< [IN] Session to set connection options in uint16_t keepAliveInterval, ///< [IN] How often to send an MQTT PINGREQ packet if no other /// packets are received bool cleanSession, ///< [IN] When false, restore the previous state on a reconnect const char* usernamePtr, ///< [IN] Username to connect with. /// NULL if username is not required const uint8_t* passwordPtr, ///< [IN] Password to connect with. /// NULL if password is not required size_t passwordLength, ///< [IN] Length of the password in bytes uint16_t connectTimeout, ///< [IN] Connect timeout in seconds uint16_t retryInterval ///< [IN] Retry interval in seconds ) { mqtt_Session* s = le_ref_Lookup(SessionRefMap, sessionRef); if (s == NULL) { LE_KILL_CLIENT("Session doesn't exist"); return; } if (s->clientSession != mqtt_GetClientSessionRef()) { LE_KILL_CLIENT("Session doesn't belong to this client"); return; } s->connectOptions.keepAliveInterval = keepAliveInterval; s->connectOptions.cleansession = cleanSession; // username if ((char*)s->connectOptions.username != NULL) { le_mem_Release((char*)s->connectOptions.username); } if (usernamePtr != NULL) { s->connectOptions.username = le_mem_ForceAlloc(UsernamePoolRef); LE_ASSERT(s->connectOptions.username != NULL); strcpy((char*)s->connectOptions.username, usernamePtr); } else { s->connectOptions.username = NULL; } // password if ((char*)s->connectOptions.password != NULL) { le_mem_Release((char*)s->connectOptions.password); } if (passwordPtr != NULL) { // paho uses null terminated strings for passwords, so the password may not contain any // embedded null characters. for (size_t i = 0; i < passwordLength; i++) { if (passwordPtr[i] == 0) { LE_KILL_CLIENT( "Password contains embedded null characters and this is not currently " "supported by this implementation"); break; } } s->connectOptions.password = le_mem_ForceAlloc(PasswordPoolRef); LE_ASSERT(s->connectOptions.password != NULL); memcpy((uint8_t*)s->connectOptions.password, passwordPtr, passwordLength); ((uint8_t*)s->connectOptions.password)[passwordLength] = '\0'; } else { s->connectOptions.username = NULL; s->connectOptions.password = NULL; if (usernamePtr != NULL) { LE_KILL_CLIENT("It is illegal to specify a password without a username"); } } s->connectOptions.connectTimeout = connectTimeout; s->connectOptions.retryInterval = retryInterval; s->connectOptions.ssl = &s->sslOptions; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Connect to the MQTT broker using the provided session. * * @return * - LE_OK on success * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER if the connection options are bad * - LE_FAULT for general failures */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- le_result_t mqtt_Connect ( mqtt_SessionRef_t sessionRef ///< [IN] Session to connect ) { mqtt_Session* s = le_ref_Lookup(SessionRefMap, sessionRef); if (s == NULL) { LE_KILL_CLIENT("Session doesn't exist"); return LE_FAULT; } if (s->clientSession != mqtt_GetClientSessionRef()) { LE_KILL_CLIENT("Session doesn't belong to this client"); return LE_FAULT; } const int connectResult = MQTTClient_connect(s->client, &s->connectOptions); le_result_t result; switch (connectResult) { case SOCKET_ERROR: LE_WARN("Socket error"); result = LE_FAULT; break; case MQTTCLIENT_NULL_PARAMETER: case MQTTCLIENT_BAD_STRUCTURE: case MQTTCLIENT_BAD_UTF8_STRING: result = LE_BAD_PARAMETER; break; case MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS: result = LE_OK; break; default: LE_WARN("Paho connect returned (%d)", connectResult); result = LE_FAULT; break; } return result; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Disconnect a currently connected session * * @return * - LE_OK on success * - LE_FAULT on failure * * @note * TODO: If the connection is lost right as disconnect is called, I think that this function * will return LE_FAULT and the client will not know why. */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- le_result_t mqtt_Disconnect ( mqtt_SessionRef_t sessionRef ///< [IN] Session to disconnect ) { mqtt_Session* s = le_ref_Lookup(SessionRefMap, sessionRef); if (s == NULL) { LE_KILL_CLIENT("Session doesn't exist"); return LE_FAULT; } if (s->clientSession != mqtt_GetClientSessionRef()) { LE_KILL_CLIENT("Session doesn't belong to this client"); return LE_FAULT; } const int waitBeforeDisconnectMs = 0; const int disconnectResult = MQTTClient_disconnect(s->client, waitBeforeDisconnectMs); le_result_t result; switch (disconnectResult) { case MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS: result = LE_OK; break; case MQTTCLIENT_FAILURE: result = LE_FAULT; break; case MQTTCLIENT_DISCONNECTED: result = LE_FAULT; LE_WARN("Already disconnected"); break; default: LE_WARN("Paho disconnect returned (%d)", disconnectResult); result = LE_FAULT; break; } return result; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Publish the supplied payload to the MQTT broker on the given topic. * * @return * LE_OK on success or LE_FAULT on failure */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- le_result_t mqtt_Publish ( mqtt_SessionRef_t sessionRef, ///< [IN] Session const char* topicPtr, ///< [IN] Topic const uint8_t* payloadPtr, ///< [IN] Message size_t payloadLen, ///< [IN] Message length mqtt_Qos_t qos, ///< [IN] QoS mode bool retain ///< [IN] Retain flag for message ) { mqtt_Session* s = le_ref_Lookup(SessionRefMap, sessionRef); if (s == NULL) { LE_KILL_CLIENT("Session doesn't exist"); return LE_FAULT; } if (s->clientSession != mqtt_GetClientSessionRef()) { LE_KILL_CLIENT("Session doesn't belong to this client"); return LE_FAULT; } MQTTClient_deliveryToken* dtNotUsed = NULL; const int publishResult = MQTTClient_publish( s->client, topicPtr, payloadLen, (void*)payloadPtr, QosEnumToValue(qos), retain, dtNotUsed); le_result_t result = LE_OK; if (publishResult != MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS) { LE_WARN("Publish failed with error code (%d)", publishResult); result = LE_FAULT; } return result; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Subscribe to the given topic pattern. Topics look like UNIX filesystem paths. Eg. * "/bedroom/sensors/motion". Patterns may include special wildcard characters "+" and "#" to match * one or multiple levels of a topic. For example. "/#/motion" will match topics * "/bedroom/sensors/motion" and "/car/data/motion", but not "/bedroom/sensors/motion/enabled". * * @return * LE_OK on success or LE_FAULT on failure */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- le_result_t mqtt_Subscribe ( mqtt_SessionRef_t sessionRef, ///< [IN] Session const char* topicPatternPtr, ///< [IN] Topic pattern mqtt_Qos_t qos ///< [IN] QoS mode ) { mqtt_Session* s = le_ref_Lookup(SessionRefMap, sessionRef); if (s == NULL) { LE_KILL_CLIENT("Session doesn't exist"); return LE_FAULT; } if (s->clientSession != mqtt_GetClientSessionRef()) { LE_KILL_CLIENT("Session doesn't belong to this client"); return LE_FAULT; } const int subscribeResult = MQTTClient_subscribe(s->client, topicPatternPtr, qos); le_result_t result = LE_OK; if (subscribeResult != MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS) { LE_WARN("Subscribe failed with error code (%d)", subscribeResult); result = LE_FAULT; } return result; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Unsubscribe from the given topic pattern. * * @return * LE_OK on success or LE_FAULT on failure. */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- le_result_t mqtt_Unsubscribe ( mqtt_SessionRef_t sessionRef, ///< [IN] Session const char* topicPatternPtr ///< [IN] Topic pattern ) { mqtt_Session* s = le_ref_Lookup(SessionRefMap, sessionRef); if (s == NULL) { LE_KILL_CLIENT("Session doesn't exist"); return LE_FAULT; } if (s->clientSession != mqtt_GetClientSessionRef()) { LE_KILL_CLIENT("Session doesn't belong to this client"); return LE_FAULT; } const int unsubscribeResult = MQTTClient_unsubscribe(sessionRef->client, topicPatternPtr); le_result_t result = LE_OK; if (unsubscribeResult != MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS) { LE_WARN("Unsubscribe failed with error code (%d)", unsubscribeResult); result = LE_FAULT; } return result; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Set the connection lost handler for the session. * * @return * A handle which allows the connection lost handler to be removed. * * @note * Only one handler may be registered */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mqtt_ConnectionLostHandlerRef_t mqtt_AddConnectionLostHandler ( mqtt_SessionRef_t sessionRef, ///< [IN] Session mqtt_ConnectionLostHandlerFunc_t handler, ///< [IN] Connection lost handler void* contextPtr ///< [IN] Context ) { mqtt_Session* s = le_ref_Lookup(SessionRefMap, sessionRef); if (s == NULL) { LE_KILL_CLIENT("Session doesn't exist"); return NULL; } if (s->clientSession != mqtt_GetClientSessionRef()) { LE_KILL_CLIENT("Session doesn't belong to this client"); return NULL; } if (s->connectionLostHandler != NULL) { LE_KILL_CLIENT("A registered connection lost handler is present; only 1 allowed"); return NULL; } s->connectionLostHandler = handler; s->connectionLostHandlerContextPtr = contextPtr; s->connectionLostHandlerRef = le_ref_CreateRef(MessageHandlerRefMap, s); return s->connectionLostHandlerRef; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Deregister the connection lost handler for the session. */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void mqtt_RemoveConnectionLostHandler ( mqtt_ConnectionLostHandlerRef_t handlerRef ///< [IN] Connection lost handler ) { mqtt_Session* s = le_ref_Lookup(MessageHandlerRefMap, handlerRef); if (s == NULL) { LE_KILL_CLIENT("Session doesn't exist"); return; } if (s->clientSession != mqtt_GetClientSessionRef()) { LE_KILL_CLIENT("Session doesn't belong to this client"); return; } s->connectionLostHandler = NULL; s->connectionLostHandlerContextPtr = NULL; le_ref_DeleteRef(MessageHandlerRefMap, handlerRef); s->connectionLostHandlerRef = NULL; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Set the message arrived handler for the session. * * @return * A handle which can be used to deregister the message arrived handler. * * @note * Only one message arrived handler may be registered for a session. */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mqtt_MessageArrivedHandlerRef_t mqtt_AddMessageArrivedHandler ( mqtt_SessionRef_t sessionRef, ///< [IN] Session mqtt_MessageArrivedHandlerFunc_t handler, ///< [IN] Message arrived handler void* contextPtr ///< [IN] Context ) { mqtt_Session* s = le_ref_Lookup(SessionRefMap, sessionRef); if (s == NULL) { LE_KILL_CLIENT("Session doesn't exist"); return NULL; } if (s->clientSession != mqtt_GetClientSessionRef()) { LE_KILL_CLIENT("Session doesn't belong to this client"); return NULL; } if (s->messageArrivedHandler != NULL) { LE_KILL_CLIENT("A registered message arrived handler is present; only 1 allowed"); return NULL; } s->messageArrivedHandler = handler; s->messageArrivedHandlerContextPtr = contextPtr; s->messageArrivedHandlerRef = le_ref_CreateRef(MessageHandlerRefMap, s); return s->messageArrivedHandlerRef; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Deregister the message arrived handler for the session. */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void mqtt_RemoveMessageArrivedHandler ( mqtt_MessageArrivedHandlerRef_t handlerRef ///< [IN] Message arrived handler ) { mqtt_Session* s = le_ref_Lookup(MessageHandlerRefMap, handlerRef); if (s == NULL) { LE_KILL_CLIENT("Session doesn't exist"); return; } if (s->clientSession != mqtt_GetClientSessionRef()) { LE_KILL_CLIENT("Session doesn't belong to this client"); return; } s->messageArrivedHandler = NULL; s->messageArrivedHandlerContextPtr = NULL; le_ref_DeleteRef(MessageHandlerRefMap, handlerRef); s->messageArrivedHandlerRef = NULL; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Gets the correct quality of service integer value as defined by the MQTT specification from the * enum type. * * @return * The QoS value as defined by the MQTT specification */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int QosEnumToValue ( mqtt_Qos_t qos ///< [IN] The QoS enum value to convert. ) { int result = 0; switch (qos) { case MQTT_QOS0_TRANSMIT_ONCE: result = 0; break; case MQTT_QOS1_RECEIVE_AT_LEAST_ONCE: result = 1; break; case MQTT_QOS2_RECEIVE_EXACTLY_ONCE: result = 2; break; default: LE_KILL_CLIENT("Invalid QoS setting (%d)", qos); result = 0; break; } return result; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * This is the connection lost callback function that is supplied to the paho library. The * function generates an event rather than calling the client supplied callback because this * function will be called on a non-Legato thread. */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void ConnectionLostHandler ( void* contextPtr, ///< context parameter contains the session for which the connection was lost char* causePtr ///< paho library doesn't currently populate this ) { le_event_Report(ConnectionLostThreadEventId, &contextPtr, sizeof(void*)); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * The event handler for the connection lost event that is generated by ConnectionLostHandler. * This function calls the handler supplied by the client. */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void ConnectionLostEventHandler ( void* reportPtr ) { mqtt_Session* s = le_ref_Lookup(SessionRefMap, reportPtr); if (s == NULL) { LE_KILL_CLIENT("Session doesn't exist"); return; } if (s->connectionLostHandler != NULL) { s->connectionLostHandler(s->connectionLostHandlerContextPtr); } else { LE_WARN("Connection was lost, but no handler is registered to receive the notification"); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * This is the message arrived callback function that is supplied to the paho library. The * function generates an event rather than calling the client supplied callback because this * function will be called on a non-Legato thread. */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int MessageArrivedHandler ( void* contextPtr, char* topicNamePtr, int topicLen, MQTTClient_message* messagePtr ) { mqtt_Session* s = le_ref_Lookup(SessionRefMap, contextPtr); if (s == NULL) { LE_WARN("Session doesn't exist"); return true; } mqtt_Message* storedMsgPtr = le_mem_ForceAlloc(MessagePoolRef); LE_ASSERT(storedMsgPtr); memset(storedMsgPtr, 0, sizeof(*storedMsgPtr)); LE_DEBUG("MessageArrivedHandler called for topic=%s. Storing session=0x%p", topicNamePtr, contextPtr); storedMsgPtr->sessionRef = contextPtr; // When topicLen is 0 it means that the topic contains embedded nulls and can't be treated as a // normal C string storedMsgPtr->topicLength = (topicLen == 0) ? (strlen(topicNamePtr) + 1) : topicLen; storedMsgPtr->topicPtr = le_mem_ForceAlloc(TopicPoolRef); LE_ASSERT(storedMsgPtr->topicPtr); memset(storedMsgPtr->topicPtr, 0, sizeof(MQTT_MAX_TOPIC_LENGTH)); memcpy(storedMsgPtr->topicPtr, topicNamePtr, storedMsgPtr->topicLength); storedMsgPtr->payloadLength = messagePtr->payloadlen; storedMsgPtr->payloadPtr = le_mem_ForceAlloc(PayloadPoolRef); LE_ASSERT(storedMsgPtr->payloadPtr); memset(storedMsgPtr->payloadPtr, 0, sizeof(MQTT_MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH)); memcpy(storedMsgPtr->payloadPtr, messagePtr->payload, storedMsgPtr->payloadLength); le_event_Report(ReceiveThreadEventId, &storedMsgPtr, sizeof(mqtt_Message*)); return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * The event handler for the message arrived event that is generated by MessageArrivedHandler. * This function calls the handler supplied by the client. */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void MessageReceivedEventHandler ( void* reportPtr ) { mqtt_Message* storedMsgPtr = *((mqtt_Message**)reportPtr); mqtt_Session* s = le_ref_Lookup(SessionRefMap, storedMsgPtr->sessionRef); if (s == NULL) { LE_WARN("Session lookup failed for session=0x%p", storedMsgPtr->sessionRef); return; } if (s->messageArrivedHandler != NULL) { if (storedMsgPtr->topicLength <= MQTT_MAX_TOPIC_LENGTH && storedMsgPtr->payloadLength <= MQTT_MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH) { s->messageArrivedHandler( storedMsgPtr->topicPtr, storedMsgPtr->payloadPtr, storedMsgPtr->payloadLength, s->messageArrivedHandlerContextPtr); } else { LE_WARN( "Message arrived from broker, but it is too large to deliver using Legato IPC - " "topicLength=%zu, payloadLength=%zu", storedMsgPtr->topicLength, storedMsgPtr->payloadLength); } } else { LE_WARN( "Message has arrived, but no handler is registered to receive the notification"); } le_mem_Release(storedMsgPtr->topicPtr); le_mem_Release(storedMsgPtr->payloadPtr); le_mem_Release(storedMsgPtr); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Destroy all owned sessions */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void DestroyAllOwnedSessions ( le_msg_SessionRef_t clientSessionRef, void* contextPtr ) { le_ref_IterRef_t it = le_ref_GetIterator(SessionRefMap); le_result_t iterRes = le_ref_NextNode(it); while (iterRes == LE_OK) { mqtt_Session* s = le_ref_GetValue(it); LE_ASSERT(s != NULL); LE_ASSERT(s->sessionRef != NULL); // Advance the interator before deletion to prevent invalidation iterRes = le_ref_NextNode(it); if (s->clientSession == clientSessionRef) { le_mem_Release(s); } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Initialize MQTT Client service */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPONENT_INIT { const char mqttBrokerURI[] = "tcp://"; //const char mqttBrokerURI[] = "tcp://eu.airvantage.net"; //const uint8_t mqttPassword[] = {'S', 'W', 'I'}; //char clientId[32] = "kineton"; LE_ASSERT_OK(le_info_GetImei(DeviceIMEI, NUM_ARRAY_MEMBERS(DeviceIMEI))); char clientId[32]; snprintf(clientId, sizeof(clientId), "%s-pub", DeviceIMEI); // Create memory pools MQTTSessionPoolRef = le_mem_CreatePool("MQTT session pool", sizeof(mqtt_Session)); le_mem_ExpandPool(MQTTSessionPoolRef, MQTT_SESSION_MAX); le_mem_SetDestructor(MQTTSessionPoolRef, mqttSessionDestructor); UsernamePoolRef = le_mem_CreatePool("MQTT username pool", MQTT_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH); PasswordPoolRef = le_mem_CreatePool("MQTT password pool", MQTT_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH); MessagePoolRef = le_mem_CreatePool("MQTT message pool", sizeof(mqtt_Message)); TopicPoolRef = le_mem_CreatePool("MQTT topic pool", MQTT_MAX_TOPIC_LENGTH); PayloadPoolRef = le_mem_CreatePool("MQTT payload pool", MQTT_MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH); // MessageHandlerRefMap is created with size (MQTT_SESSION_MAX * 2) since each MQTT session // may have 2 handlers, i.e. 1 message arrived handler and 1 connection lost handler SessionRefMap = le_ref_CreateMap("MQTT sessions", MQTT_SESSION_MAX); MessageHandlerRefMap = le_ref_CreateMap("MQTT message handlers", MQTT_SESSION_MAX * 2); ReceiveThreadEventId = le_event_CreateId( "MqttClient receive notification", sizeof(mqtt_Message*)); le_event_AddHandler( "MqttClient receive notification", ReceiveThreadEventId, MessageReceivedEventHandler); ConnectionLostThreadEventId = le_event_CreateId( "MqttClient connection lost notification", sizeof(mqtt_Message*)); le_event_AddHandler( "MqttClient connection lost notification", ConnectionLostThreadEventId, ConnectionLostEventHandler); res = mqtt_CreateSession(mqttBrokerURI, clientId, &MQTTSession); if (res != LE_OK){ LE_INFO ("tutto male :( "); } else { LE_INFO("tutto ok"); } //inizia il mio codice const uint16_t keepAliveInSeconds = 60; const bool cleanSession = true; //const char* username = DeviceIMEI; const uint16_t connectTimeout = 20; const uint16_t retryInterval = 10; mqtt_SetConnectOptions( MQTTSession, keepAliveInSeconds, cleanSession, NULL, NULL, 0, connectTimeout, retryInterval); mqtt_AddConnectionLostHandler(MQTTSession, &OnConnectionLost, NULL); mqtt_AddMessageArrivedHandler(MQTTSession, &OnMessageArrived, NULL); res = mqtt_Connect(MQTTSession); if (res != LE_OK) { LE_ERROR("Connection failed! error %d", res); } else { LE_INFO("Connected to server '%s'", mqttBrokerURI); } //finisce il mio codice le_msg_AddServiceCloseHandler(mqtt_GetServiceRef(), DestroyAllOwnedSessions, NULL); MQTTClient_init_options initOptions = MQTTClient_init_options_initializer; initOptions.do_openssl_init = 1; MQTTClient_global_init(&initOptions); }