Using ADC on FX30

Hi sast5,

You can control the ADC select line using the following procedure:

cd /sys/class/gpio/

echo 29 > export

cd gpio29

echo out > direction

Then depending on the range you want, drive either high or low:

echo 1 > value

echo 0 > value

Note: This method is not persistent over a reboot.

Alternately, you can configure it using the AT command: AT+WIOCFG=29,…
Please see the AT command reference guide for WP85 module for details on the command.

Originally we intended to add an FX30 specific AT command to control the signal, but this hasn’t be implemented, hence the comment regarding the voltages cannot be selected. We usually recommend not using the AT+WIOCFG command because if one isn’t careful, it could cause issues with the device.

Sorry for the confusion.
