The serial monitor tool which is used when debugging in RTE mode (selima.exe) is driving me crazy.
Why on earth do wavecom on purpose make a tool that you cannot shutdown manually?!? Up until now i have been able to shut it down through the task manager, but after a fresh installation of the newest dev. suite i can’t even shut it down through the tast manager anymore!
This means that i have to restart my computer to get rid of it. This is not acceptable.
And yes, it should, but that almost never works. After a short while, the number of connected clients is over 30, so it never shuts down because they never disconnect as theyre not really there.
I just find it extremely annoying when programmers try to think for their customers. If i want to shut down an application, then i should have that possibility no matter what reason i have for it!
Not necessarily: understanding why you want/need to do it usually enables people to give better, informed suggestions…
Very often on forums like this, people ask “How can I get it to do X” when X is really the wrong thing to do to achieve their goal. If, instead, they had clearly stated the actual goal, then people would immediately suggest, “Don’t mess with X - do Y”.
I don’t usually have a problem with Selima but, when it does go wrong, I agree that this is really annoying!
Incredible! One wonders why they didn’t just make the quit button available from the start, with a message asking if one is sure to quit when there are still clients connected.