Repartition wp7702

Thanks for your response! When I try the command you suggested, I see the below.

To print partition table: AT!PARTITION?                                         
To modify partition sizes: AT!PARTITION=<name>,<size0>[,<size1>,...]            
  <name> - name of the first partition to modify its size, can be blank         
  <size0> - new size in KB of the first partition                               
  <size1>,... - new sizes of next partitions                                    
  for example: AT!PARTITION=0:boot,2560                                         
  List of partitions whose size can be modified:                                
            PART    BLOCK     SIZE                                              
            NAME   OFFSET     (KB)                                              
         0:aboot 00000249     1024                                              
          0:boot 0000024D    15360                                              
        0:system 00000289    30720                                              
       0:LEFWKRO 00000301     8960                                              
         0:SWIRW 00000324    25600                                              
       0:USERAPP 00000388   134144                                              
      0:RESERVED 00000594    55808                                              
To disable partition sizes change: AT!PARTITION=disable                         

So it does look like I can change the partition sizes. Is there any way to recover if I mess up the partitions?