we made board based on wp76 and if i do restart in linux console
its stucks with next log
088823] reboot: Restarting system
[ 168.092520] Failed to disable secure wdog debug: -4
[ 168.096386] Calling SCM to disable SPMI PMIC arbiter
please explain how to disable it.
we still have a problem with reset
its happens on our board with the same image of mango red
what gpios or power issues could stuck the cpu
Calling SCM to disable SPMI PMIC arbiter - here Linux is finished and bootloader should start
please help up to get out of mess?
linux is stuck here in msm_poweroff.c in linux kernel
__raw_writel(0, msm_ps_hold); its failed to reset sierra wp76
we dont understand why our board it mango copy
please talk to R&D to find out the problem!!!
pr_err("ps-hold 1 \n");
if (scm_deassert_ps_hold_supported) {
/* This call will be available on ARMv8 only */
pr_err("ps-hold address %x \n",(unsigned int)msm_ps_hold);
/* Fall-through to the direct write in case the scm_call "returns" */
__raw_writel(0, msm_ps_hold); // here it not going to reset and exit the function
I don’t see problem with MangOH green board, please see attached log.
BTW, not sure if your POWER_ON_N is making the system go to power off mode.log.txt (13.8 KB)