FX30s- R15 beta version unable to repo sync

Hi @ravishkrishnan.kunch

R15 BP2 is available in leaf now to fx30-catm. You will have to perform some extra steps:

  1. Remove references to old packages

rm -rf ~/.cache/leaf/files/*
rm -rf ~/.leaf/fx30-catm-linux-src_R15.0.2.001.BP2
sudo rm -rf ~/.leaf/wp77-toolchain_SWI9X06Y_03.00.03.00-linux64

  1. Setup new leaf workspace

leaf setup -p swi-fx30-catm_4.0.0.beta
leaf getsrc swi-linux
sha384sum ~/.cache/leaf/files/*fx30-catm-linux-src_R15.0.2.001.BP2.leaf
expected hash output: 519621fbf161f187baf2c1371c76275154f2da44d3ee1fa30edaaa286641d0438d93437364564ce479ad50242c3180b3

  1. Add git paths to config to resolve error from Git CVE CVE-2022-24765 (do not add trailing “/”)

git config --global --add safe.directory “*”
git config --global --add safe.directory your_dir/swi-linux-src/poky
git config --global --add safe.directory your_dir/swi-linux-src/meta-swi-extras
git config --global --add safe.directory your_dir/swi-linux-src/meta-swi
git config --global --add safe.directory your_dir/swi-linux-src/meta-openembedded

  1. Build linux

cd swi-linux-src
make clean (if you have previous builds in the folder, clean them out)
make PROD=fx30